Monday, November 23, 2009

Creatures in God’s World: Loving Pets

Creatures in God’s World: Loving Pets
“But the poor man had nothing but one little ewe lamb, which he had bought.” 2 Samuel 12:3
Call to Worship
(Sung to “The Bear Went over the Mountain”)
Let’s worship God, let’s worship God, let’s worship God,
With joyful hearts, with joyful hearts, with joyful hearts,
Let’s worship God with joyful hearts!

Joys and Concerns
Have the children share a few joys and concerns they have and follow with a prayer thanking God for our joys and asking God to be with us in our concerns.

Ask: Can you tell us about a pet you have or would like to have? (I have a puppy named Rover, I want a fish, etc.)
Use two poems about a lamb to help children think about loving pets.
Ask: There’s a famous poem about a girl who loved her pet lamb. What’s the name of the poem? (Mary Had A Little Lamb)
Say: Let’s say the poem together:
Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb.
Mary had a little lamb its fleece was white as snow,
And everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went
And everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go.
Continue: There’s a story about a pet lamb in the Bible too. Here’s a poem about that lamb:
There’s a story in the Bible about a little lamb,
Who was loved oh so much by a poor man.
He brought her home and cared for her,
And treated her like a daughter.
He shared his food and his cup,
And everyday he picked her up!
Read the rhyme again, asking the children to repeat each line after you.
Conclude by saying: God has given us pets to love. What a wonderful part of God’s wonderful world!
Have the children put on paint smocks and ask them to paint with watercolors on card stock paper a pet they have or a pet they want.
Say: Loving God, Thank you so much for the wonder creatures in our world. Amen.

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